Monthly ACT Research collects market indicator data from North American commercial vehicle OEMs. We consolidate, analyze, and use that data to publish relevant commentary and forecasts, which we offer for purchase by subscription to industry stakeholders.
First, we publish preliminary net orders, which we ask for by the end of the 2nd business day of the month (for the previous month’s orders) from the OEMs. This data (currently Class 5, Classes 6/7, and Class 8) is provided back to the OEMs and our subscribing customers.
Second, the monthly market indicator data from the prior month is submitted to ACT by the close of business on the 15th of each month or the first business day thereafter. Once we receive input from all of the OEMs, we publish the data (flash) with the full reports following as soon as we can practicably process them, typically within 24 hours. With this data, ACT publishes the following reports: