North America Classes 5-7 Bus Market
Specific segmentation of Classes 5-7 Bus-only data
Looking to get a better understanding and distinction between chassis types?
ACT’s N.A. Classes 5-7 Bus Market report is a breakdown of the bus market. It covers information relative to net orders, backlogs, cancellation rates, year-over-year changes, and other vital market information. The report also disaggregates the North American bus market indicator data based on various types of buses. This report, in conjunction with the N.A. Classes 5-7 report will help to distinguish truck vs. bus production.
The types of businesses that should be interested in the ACT State of the Industry N.A. Classes 5-7 Bus Market report include commercial bus manufacturers and suppliers, as well as those investing in the OEMs and the supply chain or companies involved in the movement/logistics of passenger transportation. Municipal and commercial bus lenders and operators are among the customers who benefit from this report.
With this report, you will receive bus market statistics for North America (US, Canada, Export, and Mexico), including details on net orders, build, cancellation, backlog-to-build ratio, retail sales, and inventory-to-retail sales ratio.
Manufacturers use this information and analysis for short-term planning and forecasting, market understanding and awareness, and informing management of the current health of the industry. Investors use this product to create models, assess risk, and support their research. In addition to the market overview, this report provides municipal and commercial bus lenders and operators information to make operational decisions impacting portfolio and fleet size.
Classes 5-7 Bus Market Indicators
New Orders
Net Orders
Retail Sales
Classes 5-7 Bus Market Segments
Classes 5-7
- School Bus
- Shuttle/Commercial
- Urban/Other
Classes 5-7 Bus Market Insights
Additional Report Information & Data
- Executive Summary
- Rolling Six-Month Industry Build Plan
- Backlog Timing Analysis
- Presentation Ready Graph Pack
- Previous Month Preliminary Net Orders
“The information [provided] is very helpful; it helps us connect the dots in our business. We’re concerned about what’s going to happen in the marketplace, is freight going up or down…we need to know how our customers are going to be impacted. We really need this information.”

Kirk Mann
Mitsubishi HC Capital America

More Than Just A Report
In addition to the report, subscribers gain access to:
- Current Month Report
- Current & YTD Preliminary Flash Reports
- Total North America Classes 5-7 Bus
- Total US Classes 5-7 Bus
- Total Canadaa/Mexico/Export Classes 5-7 Bus
- Build & Sales Day per Month Table
- Presentation Ready Graph Pack with 60+ Graphs
- Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Presenting to Your Boss?
The Graph Packs is one of a subscription's most beneficial yet underrated benefits. With our decades of experience, we’ve pre-built the various scenarios needed for executive-level presentations. Updated monthly, we pre-build 100 presentation-ready graphs for your benefit.