North America Classes 5-8 Vehicles by Country
Great granularity of the market with country by country visibility
Need greater clarity on the North American market?
ACT Research's N.A. Classes 5-8 Vehicles by Country report is a monthly State of the Industry report that reviews the market statistics of Classes 5-8 trucks for the United States, Canada, and Mexico, allowing for greater granularity than in ACT’s N.A. Classes 5-8 Vehicles report. The market indicators reviewed in the N.A. Classes 5-8 Vehicles by Country report covers year-to-date and current month data, with views of the industry performance, and export Classes 5-8 as well as monthly market indicators by country for Class 5 and Classes 6-7 chassis and Class 8 trucks and tractors: backlog, build, inventory, new orders, cancellations, net orders, retail sales, Class 5 and Classes 6-7 segmented by trucks, buses, RVs, and step vans, Class 8 segmented by tractors with and without sleepers, and trucks with and without sleepers.
The types of businesses that should be interested in the ACT State of the Industry: N.A. Classes 5-8 Vehicles by Country report include commercial vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, those investing in the OEMs and the supply chain, or companies involved in the movement/logistics of freight that desire a more granular view of the North American market.
Classes 5-8 Market Indicator Data
- Backlog
- Build
- Inventory
- New Orders
- Cancelations
- Net Orders
- Retail Sales
Classes 5-7 Bus Market Segments
Classes 5-7
- School Bus
- Shuttle/Commercial
- Urban/Other
Classes 5-7 Bus Market Indicators
New Orders
Net Orders
Retail Sales
“I would recommend ACT as your number 1 ‘go to’ source for industry forecasts and just general industry knowledge…You cannot follow this industry, be part of this industry without knowing what ACT Research is saying…”

Mike Zimm
BMO Commercial Finance

More Than Just A Report
In addition to the report, subscribers gain access to:
- Current Month Report
- Classes 5-8 All Geographies Tables
- Monthly Market Indicators – U.S., Canada, Mexico, Export
- Build & Sales Days per Month Table
- Presentation Ready Graph Pack with 140+ Graphs
- Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Presenting to Your Boss?
The Graph Packs is one of a subscription's most beneficial yet underrated benefits. With our decades of experience, we’ve pre-built the various scenarios needed for executive-level presentations. Updated monthly, we pre-build 100 presentation-ready graphs for your benefit.