North America OEM Classes 5-8 Build & Retail Sales
Insights into production and sales by manufacturer
Understand the competitive landscape of the market
Gaining insights into specific commercial vehicle manufacturers’ production, sales, and market share* is what makes the State of the Industry: N.A. OEM Classes 5-8 Build & Retail Sales report so popular. Through this report, you gain access to more granular detail than in the N.A. Classes 5-8 Vehicles report.
N.A. OEM Classes 5-8 Build and Retail Sales is a monthly state of the industry report that covers the building and retail sales of Classes 5-8 and gives vital information to create an understanding of the current month’s build, retail sales, as well as year-over-year and year-to-date information.
With this report, you receive:
- Monthly build and retail sales indicators by OEM by the country for Class 5 and Class 6-7 chassis and Class 8 vehicles.
- Password-protected website access to the current report, historical data (2000 to current), and a PowerPoint graph pack.
The types of businesses that should be interested in the State of the Industry: N.A. OEM Classes 5-8 Build and Retail Sales report include commercial vehicle manufacturers and suppliers, as well as those investing in the OEMs and the supply chain, or companies involved in the movement/logistics of freight that have a need to analyze the market for a select subset of OEMs and monthly build and retail sales indicators by OEM by country for Class 5 and Classes 6-7 chassis and Class 8 vehicles.
In addition to using this information and analysis for short-term planning and forecasting, market understanding and awareness, and informing management of the current health of the industry, manufacturers are also able to determine market share and keep track of changes in competitive dynamics. Investors use this product to create models, assess risk, and support their research, as well as understand the competitive landscape.
*Per our agreement with the OEMs, we publish market share data after quarterly financial earnings reports.

More Than Just A Report
In addition to the report, subscribers gain access to:
- Current Month Report
- Current and YTD Preliminary Flash Reports
- Classes 5-7 Retail Sales by OEM Table
- Class 8 Retail Sales by OEM Table
- Classes 5-7 Build by OEM Table
- Class 8 Build by OEM Table
- Build & Sales Days per Month Table
- Presentation Ready Graph Pack with 40 Graphs
- Glossary of Terms and Definitions

Presenting to Your Boss?
The Graph Packs is one of a subscription's most beneficial yet underrated benefits. With our decades of experience, we’ve pre-built the various scenarios needed for executive-level presentations. Updated monthly, we pre-build 100 presentation-ready graphs for your benefit.